Nature Thailand①~ Men can do it too! Easy Table Setting Introducing easy techniques
This blog is CHRYSAN & ANTHEMUM with the theme of Japanese food.
And the recipe is introduced with the concept of delicious.
I would like to work on researching recipes every day so that people who have seen them may be interested in them.
The theme of this table was just “Thailand”.
We asked Chrysan, a Thai fanatic, to do the cooking and table setting!
As for me, it’s a pretty nice project ☺
I have visited Thailand only once.
I remember that I was so shocked that my sense of value was changed.
Not only the food, but also the culture, the streets, the way of life of the locals…
Chrysan took me there,
and I felt like I was being swallowed up by the energy
that was emanating from the city…
It was already exciting… !
I had a great time in Thailand.
I would definitely like to visit this place again when I get settled in covid-19.
With such thoughts in mind―☺
☝ Click on the recipe title to see the recipe in the blog ☺
On YouTube, we will deliver table settings and serving dishes!
I would be grateful if you could take a look and let us know what you think ☺♬
In this blog, CHRYSAN & ANTHEMUM introduces recipes on the theme of Japanese food. The concept is easily enjoy, stylish and yummy! I would like to work on researching recipes every day so tha...